“Our journey as Meesho started with the vision of making a unique group of businesswomen known as resellers successful. In the last six years we have

built a platform that enabled and encouraged 15M+ women entrepreneurs to run their own online businesses. Today, as we embark on our new ambitious journey of enabling 100M small businesses to be successful online, I feel energised by the limitless opportunity. My confidence stems from the team and our ways of working. Our problem-first mindset and a true tech-first approach will propel us to create one of the largest platforms for unorganised retail. Our strong talent base coupled with ample autonomy will help us disrupt the e-commerce landscape and build for the next 500M users. Our growth mimics the growth of our people and I’m confident that our learning mindset will raise our bar of products that we build in the quest of our Vision. Meesho’s success is a testament to our commitment to solving difficult problems that impact India as a whole. I look forward to solving more of them and creating bigger impacts with team Meesho by my side.” — Vidit Aatrey — Co Founder, CEO

“It all started with Vidit and I dreaming big and working towards that dream out of a 2BHK apartment in Koramangala. In the last six years, we went from that two-man dream team to an 800-member strong team of talented Meeshoites, all working with the same vision of helping small businesses. Our ambitions are bolder and confidence stronger, but more than pride in what we have been able to achieve so far, I feel fortunate to be surrounded by exceptionally talented and passionate individuals who all thrive in Meesho’s culture of innovation, and whose determination make moving mountains seem all too easy. As we celebrate six years of Meesho, I feel more excited than ever to scale new heights. We are only at the cusp of an incredible journey.” — Sanjeev Barnwal, Co Founder, CTO

Nothing beats the feeling of knowing that I am working with the brightest set of people, solving hard problems and creating a massive impact on millions of Indians in a positive way. And, this is what I treasure most about working at Meesho. Happy 6th birthday, Meesho. Here’s to solving bigger problems and impacting the lives of more folks in the coming months and years.” — Jatin Mazalcar, Chief Finance Officer

“It has been a phenomenal six-year journey for Meesho so far, and a big congratulations to the entire Meesho team. Through this journey we have positively impacted the lives of tens of millions of entrepreneurs, sellers, and end customers, and ushered in a new wave of internet-enabled commerce in India. Our mission now is to democratize internet commerce for everyone, and staying true to this mission over the next few years will further transform the commerce landscape of India. Meesho’s unique culture that emphasises taking bold bets, thinking from first principles, being user first, and having exceptional talent has been instrumental to our success till date. I look forward to the next wave of product and technology innovations that our teams are working on that will not only solve tough problems in e-commerce but also set the benchmark for building products for a billion Indians.” — Kirti Varun, Chief Product Officer

“To me, the most inspiring aspect of being a Meeshoite has always been in what Meesho is trying to solve. We have made it our mission to democratise internet commerce for everyone, and facilitate an ecosystem where everyone from suppliers to entrepreneurs and influencers can launch their growth trajectory through Meesho. We have touched the lives of people all over India, especially in Tier 2 and tier 3 cities, by offering them accessibility like never before, and I hope for us to raise the number of people impacted by our work by 100X. We would soon be able to serve all their needs in the realm of eCommerce and nurture their aspirations and dreams so much so that Meesho becomes synonymous with their growth. And, this is what I am most excited about as we embark on year seven of Meesho’s journey.” — Megha Agarwal,General Manager & VP — User Growth

“Big congratulations to the Meesho family on turning 6. Very difficult to put into words the magic that we have experienced in our Meesho journey. Ambition and audacity to dream big have been a hallmark of the Meesho DNA. Working hard on a tough problem to solve and a team that you can bond and celebrate with — something every Meeshoite can relate to. As I look ahead, our potential is unbound and the opportunity has only gotten massive. Let us continue to push harder — to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. Congratulations and cheers for the ride ahead.” — Utkrishta Kumar, General Manager & VP — Business

Hitting milestones like the sixth anniversary of Meesho, allows us to take a beat and look back on all that we have achieved. We have certainly crossed off many huge goals in our bucket list, but I’m most proud of building the lowest cost internet commerce channel in the country and bringing down the transaction costs for India’s SMEs.

We have been successful in building a team that is driven about solving problems for all users structurally yet in creative and frugal manner. I look forward to being a part of this company which is reshaping the ecommerce ecosystem in India, especially so its logistics infrastructure.” — Shreyas Joshi, VP and General Manager — Fulfillment and Experience

“Every year with Meesho seems more transformative than the last. As I look back in time, more than any specific milestone (and there have been so many!), I’m most proud of the evolutionary journey that we’ve been through — the grind of chasing hard and large problems with a team of exceptional people. The journey is a reward in itself. And I wish the same experience for everyone who has, and will join us. I have no doubt that even with 6 years behind us, Meesho is just at the start of the limitless potential it has, and I’ve never been as excited about our future as I am now.” — Prateek Agarwal, General Manager & VP — Monetization

“It has been an unprecedented journey for Meesho thus far and I am so thrilled to be a small part of it. Meesho has witnessed unparalleled growth in a very short span of time. But above all, it has been a journey full of fun and great memories. I am especially inspired to see a huge focus from every leader towards building a highly people centric workplace. We have incredibly bright talent striving to solve the hardest problems impacting the lives of a billion people. Here’s wishing Meesho a very happy 6th birthday. I know this is just the start and there are many many more to come.” — Ashish Singh, Chief Human Resources Officer

Meesho turns 6: Meeshoites celebrate by showing off their meme game